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Marketing Technology Architecture in B2B Companies

Discover the secrets of successful B2B marketing with this guide to MarTech architecture. Learn how leading companies harness the power of analytics, social media marketing, automation, CRM, and CMS to engage their target audience, drive conversions, and achieve remarkable results.
In the realm of modern business, technology has become the cornerstone for gathering valuable insights about target audiences, facilitating seamless interactions, and fostering long-lasting customer relationships. A multitude of tools is used in the process to automate the workflow and boost performance. The number and type of tools required for this vary when customers are other businesses instead of individual consumers.

But not all tools are focused on B2B interactions. To get the most out of the B2B marketing technology stack, companies should stay updated on the latest trends and embrace new B2B digital marketing strategies. This article will summarize the B2B marketing best practices, its importance, and the key elements of B2B marketing analytics in B2B companies.
What Is MarTech Architecture?
MarTech stands for Marketing Technology. It is the technology used to achieve various marketing goals that can vary from business to business. MarTech, an abbreviation for Marketing Technology, is used to accomplish diverse marketing objectives that are tailored to each unique business.

The technology stack is comprised of different tools and platforms. These are used to gather information, analyze data, plan marketing campaigns, and execute them.

MarTech allows companies to go to autopilot mode, where the tools collect data automatically and seamlessly fuse this data with other aspects of the company. For example, sales records from a marketing campaign can be analyzed by these tools to calculate the success of the campaign.

Such data from previous campaigns can be used to forecast the ROI for future campaigns. Different companies use different B2B marketing channels that help them reach their target audience and engage potential customers.

MarTech, an abbreviation for Marketing Technology, represents the powerful arsenal of technology employed to accomplish diverse marketing objectives that are tailored to each unique business. This technology stack encompasses an array of tools and platforms, instrumental in gathering information, analyzing data, strategizing marketing campaigns, and executing them with precision. By harnessing MarTech, companies can effortlessly shift into autopilot mode, allowing these tools to seamlessly collect and integrate data across various facets of the organization, enabling insightful analysis such as evaluating the success of sales records from previous campaigns, ultimately aiding in projecting the return on investment for future endeavors.

Personalizing the MarTech architecture plays a vital role in B2B interactions. For example, using cookies to deliver the best browsing experience on a B2B website can be a great B2B marketing idea to engage the visitor. The system tracks the movement of the visitor on web pages and populates subsequent pages based on that movement.
What Is B2B?
B2B is the short form of Business-to-Business, and it refers to the business relationships and transactions between businesses. For example, if a car parts manufacturer sells the parts to a dealer, it can be expressed as a B2B transaction.

In simple words, B2B happens between two businesses instead of happening between a business and individual customers. Most of the B2B transactions take place in the supply chain. For example, food processing companies buy raw materials or machinery in bulk from farms or manufacturers, which are B2B transactions.

A large part of B2B is communication between companies, which is also known as B2B communication. Employees of different levels from various companies connect with each other through multiple tools that are also a part of the MarTech architecture.

B2B transactions greatly rely on business client relationships. These relationships need to be nurtured before the transactions happen, and MarTech is the most convenient way of handling such professional interactions.

In this article, we will elaborate on why MarTech is important for B2B and how it benefits all parties involved. We will also give you a detailed overview of how the standard MarTech architecture works in B2B companies.
Why Is MarTech Important in B2B?
  • The most important aspect of MarTech in B2B is making deeper insights accessible to companies. When businesses study their target market through data-driven B2B marketing analytics and use the findings to understand ideal clients, the process is much more likely to succeed.
  • When businesses want to scale, automating the B2B marketing strategies has no alternatives. With data-driven marketing strategies, companies can plan and execute effective marketing campaigns that engage the target audience better.
  • Instead of targeting a broad group of audience, MarTech helps businesses narrow down their scope.
  • Collecting feedback on campaigns is also easier with MarTech. It helps businesses to understand the effectiveness of a specific campaign and change the course of action if required.
Basics of MarTech Architecture
Three main components keep the MarTech architecture in place. Here is a quick overview of these components.
Unification Layer

This layer includes injecting all types of data into the system and unifying them for efficient processing.
Processing & Storage Layer

In this layer, all the data injected into the system are processed and analyzed. After analyzing data, valuable bits are stored in the system, and new content is created based on that data.
Activation Layer

This is the final layer, where the content created in the second layer is used to deliver the final experience. Measuring the performance of the created content and finding ways to improve the content is also done in this layer.
Unification Layer

This layer includes injecting all types of data into the system and unifying them for efficient processing.
Processing & Storage Layer

In this layer, all the data injected into the system are processed and analyzed. After analyzing data, valuable bits are stored in the system, and new content is created based on that data.
Activation Layer

This is the final layer, where the content created in the second layer is used to deliver the final experience. Measuring the performance of the created content and finding ways to improve the content is also done in this layer.
Key Elements of the MarTech Architecture
As already stated above, MarTech architecture is a cluster of technologies. The cluster streamlines the B2B operations and drives the company toward efficient spending. Here is a detailed overview of the building blocks that should be in a good MarTech architecture.
B2B marketing analytics tools are extremely important to predict the course of marketing campaigns and measuring their success. In most MarTech stacks used by various companies, tools like Google Analytics or Google Data Studio are common. Among B2B companies, about 92% of the marketers use B2B marketing analytics tools. And about 38% of them choose Google Analytics as a part of their MarTech Stack.

These tools help businesses monitor their marketing campaigns correctly. They also provide information about what should be altered in the process to maximize ROI. During the process, detailed reports of the analytics can be shared with different stakeholders to get approval for implementing strategies.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is a powerful tool to create brand awareness among the target audience. Businesses can also generate invaluable leads by using social media channels to drive traffic to their websites. An ample online presence is also important to increase visibility.

For this reason, social media marketing tools are a vital part of the MarTech stack. Using these tools, you can create and manage your brand image online, which may help your company earn the trust of potential customers.

Approximately 83% of B2B companies use social media ads or promoted posts. And Hootsuite is a popular tool for social media management. Among the marketers, about 96% prefer LinkedIn for organic marketing.
Marketing Automation
Automation Making interactions with prospects and customers more convenient is the main purpose of marketing automation. These platforms let you nurture prospects better throughout the sales funnel and build long-lasting relationships with your clients.

As you can generate prospect and customer profiles, you can personalize communication and content in a better way. It helps you deliver tailored services to the clients.

Hubspot, Salesforce, etc., are some of the most popular B2B marketing technology tools. According to Salesforce Research in 2021, 81% of B2B companies use this tool for marketing automation.
It stands for Customer Relationship Management and is a big part of the MarTech architecture. CRM tools are used to track and manage every communication with customers to build stronger relationships over time.

These tools are also helpful for driving prospects through the sales funnel. Marketers use CRM tools to assign lead scores that help them identify potential clients easily.

Salesforce is also relatable here, because it is arguably the best CRM platform in the industry. Over 1.5 million companies in the whole world use Salesforce as a part of their MarTech stack. If we consider B2B companies, about 79% companies use this tool.
Content Management System or CMS helps marketers create and deploy content without much of technical knowledge. For example, companies can quickly build intriguing landing pages to grab the attention of the target audience through content management systems. It saves them from spending tons of money on professionals or waiting for a long time to prepare a landing page.

WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world. This is easily accessible and user-friendly, so most companies prefer this tool in their MarTech stack. WordPress has its presence in 61% of B2B companies.
B2B marketing analytics tools are extremely important to predict the course of marketing campaigns and measuring their success. In most MarTech stacks used by various companies, tools like Google Analytics or Google Data Studio are common. Among B2B companies, about 92% of the marketers use B2B marketing analytics tools. And about 38% of them choose Google Analytics as a part of their MarTech Stack.

These tools help businesses monitor their marketing campaigns correctly. They also provide information about what should be altered in the process to maximize ROI. During the process, detailed reports of the analytics can be shared with different stakeholders to get approval for implementing strategies.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is a powerful tool to create brand awareness among the target audience. Businesses can also generate invaluable leads by using social media channels to drive traffic to their websites. An ample online presence is also important to increase visibility.

For this reason, social media marketing tools are a vital part of the MarTech stack. Using these tools, you can create and manage your brand image online, which may help your company earn the trust of potential customers.

Approximately 83% of B2B companies use social media ads or promoted posts. And Hootsuite is a popular tool for social media management. Among the marketers, about 96% prefer LinkedIn for organic marketing.
Marketing Automation
Automation Making interactions with prospects and customers more convenient is the main purpose of marketing automation. These platforms let you nurture prospects better throughout the sales funnel and build long-lasting relationships with your clients.

As you can generate prospect and customer profiles, you can personalize communication and content in a better way. It helps you deliver tailored services to the clients.

Hubspot, Salesforce, etc., are some of the most popular B2B marketing technology tools. According to Salesforce Research in 2021, 81% of B2B companies use this tool for marketing automation.
It stands for Customer Relationship Management and is a big part of the MarTech architecture. CRM tools are used to track and manage every communication with customers to build stronger relationships over time.

These tools are also helpful for driving prospects through the sales funnel. Marketers use CRM tools to assign lead scores that help them identify potential clients easily.

Salesforce is also relatable here, because it is arguably the best CRM platform in the industry. Over 1.5 million companies in the whole world use Salesforce as a part of their MarTech stack. If we consider B2B companies, about 79% companies use this tool.
Content Management System or CMS helps marketers create and deploy content without much of technical knowledge. For example, companies can quickly build intriguing landing pages to grab the attention of the target audience through content management systems. It saves them from spending tons of money on professionals or waiting for a long time to prepare a landing page.

WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world. This is easily accessible and user-friendly, so most companies prefer this tool in their MarTech stack. WordPress has its presence in 61% of B2B companies.
Use Cases of MarTech Architecture in B2B
MarTech architecture can be implemented in various marketing tactics. Here is a quick overview of its use cases.
Email Marketing
A wide range of email marketing tools is available out there to help you personalize the experience for your clients. With these tools, you can set up the personalization options, frequencies, and other parameters to reach your target audience in a way that resonates with them.
Social Media Marketing
Many tools are available to manage various social media channels seamlessly. It saves a lot of your time and effort by automating the process and giving valuable insights.
Following tried-and-true SEO tactics can be helpful in ranking your business higher on search results. And SEO tools present in the market suggest the best SEO strategies.
PPC Advertising
It is a common tactic in B2B and MarTech and greatly helps companies in this case. With the help of MarTech, you can easily refine bid strategies for efficient spending. Monitoring leads and conversions related to the ads is also easy.
Challenges of MarTech Architecture in B2B
Building a large-scale MarTech architecture can come with multiple challenges. Before you think of building the architecture, be aware of these challenges.
  • A MarTech architecture requires endless integrations. So, companies should consider the time and resources related to integrations.
  • Limitations on the capability of tools in the MarTech architecture should be analyzed beforehand.
  • Figuring out which data to sync and the data sources is important. It should be prioritized to choose the tools correctly.
  • Data security is an integral part of the MarTech architecture. So, companies should plan and execute data security measures to protect everyone’s privacy.
In today’s world, all businesses are going online. And data is the most powerful factor in this competitive world. Businesses that utilize data efficiently and effectively are expected to generate the maximum ROI and stand out from the crowd.

Deploying MarTech architecture in B2B companies is a proven technique for automating the marketing workflow. It helps companies collect leads, nurture them, build trust, and convert more prospects into customers. Maintaining customer relationships is also the key to success in B2B transactions.

With a MarTech architecture in place, companies can make more informed decisions regarding marketing strategies, resources, and budgets.
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